Another 52 guitars—the summary

It was an interesting year for this series. Off to a late start, infrequent posting patterns and the challenge that was finding 52 guitars that didn’t repeat with the guitars captured the first time I wrote about wanting 52 guitars.

Still, we got to this place in the series—the summary. The collection of all 52 guitars desired in 2020. Hopefully, enjoyed and desired by you as well.

Another 52 guitars—the summary

Another 52 Guitars, week 47—McSwain Guitars Fear and Loathing

Well, I’ve come to that point where I now need to release an article a day to have this series finish on time. Luckily, I’m on holidays now and the remaining guitars are all guitars I’m super keen to be writing about. For example, the McSwain Guitars Fear and Loathing model is incredibly unique, super cool and ticks all the boxes for a guitar I’d love to own.

Another 52 Guitars, week 47—McSwain Guitars Fear and Loathing

Another 52 Guitars, week 45—Equilibrium Guitars Masai

Regular readers of this slow moving and constantly late article series will know that I’m attempting to find Another 52 guitars that are all different from the original series I wrote back in 2013. The selection criteria is fairly basic at its core—find a guitar that offers something I don’t already have.

The Masai by Equilibrium Guitars reads like a feature list of all the things I don’t have in a guitar already.

Another 52 Guitars, week 45—Equilibrium Guitars Masai

Another 52 Guitars, week 44—Hamer Archtop

Here are some true and funny facts. Firstly, I am still way behind in my scheduling for this series of articles. Secondly, I shouldn’t be behind as the list is already written. It’s been written for a while now. Thirdly, when I recently caught up with a friend and he told me son had recently bought a guitar by Hamer Guitars, I thought “I’m pretty sure their Archtop guitar is in my article series”.

It was (unpublished). It now is (you’re reading it).

Another 52 Guitars, week 44—Hamer Archtop