Alphabet playlist of metal—the ‘K’ fortnight

A few things happened when putting this entry together in my alphabet playlist of metal. First, I realised I’ve loved a good dual guitar attack in a metal band for a very long time now. Secondly, I discovered that the letter K was another letter that brought me a more limited result when building the playlist. Finally, I discovered that this limitation made me write another late blog post.

Sorry about that.

Alphabet playlist of metal—the ‘K’ fortnight

Alphabet playlist of metal—the ‘I’ fortnight

To be honest, when I started this fortnight’s playlist of metal for the letter I, I couldn’t think of anything other than Iron Maiden. For a while, it was my only thought. Beyond knowing they would be the first band in my list, I got caught on which Iron Maiden song to pick as the song I selected to represent them.

Once I got past that difficult choice, the rest actually fell into place relatively easily.

Alphabet playlist of metal—the ‘I’ fortnight

Eight reasons to buy another guitar

Let me start by saying that there shouldn’t be a need for an article like this. There’s really only one reason to buy another guitar. That reason?

You need another guitar.

Fairly simple. Should that not work for the person you perhaps need to convince of the desired purchase, let me help you point out the very important reasons for that necessary purchase you’re planning.

Eight reasons to buy another guitar