Things I should have already written since the NAMM Show 2015—F-Pedals

Sticking with my new theme of I’m a lazy person who really should have written this already, I’ll revisit a brand I wrote about in week 15 of my current 52 pedals series—F-Pedals. The Edstortion pedal is an amazing pedal (which is why I added it to my pedals series) but the PhazeVibe deserves a mention too. Both pedals combined … Even better.

Apart from the pedals’ awesome tones and features, they both offer the ability to draw their power from their power board using the patent pending wireless F-Power unit. It’s so cool. Changing pedals on a pedal board will never be the same again.

When I visited the F-Pedals booth at the NAMM Show 2015, I was seriously impressed by the F-Power unit. I’ve already mentioned how that wireless power impressed me in my Edstortion article, but seeing and hearing the tone is another story. The tones and effects can be heard in the video Harmony Central captured from the very same event. My experience was very similar to this (I was lucky enough to be given a similar rundown).

It’s worth noting that the pedals in this video are the Lite versions (those without the wireless technology). The tones however are identical as far as I’m aware. When you’re watching the video, you will notice the second pedal board to the right of the one Eddie Kramer is adjusting pedals on. That pedal board is the F-Powered pedal board. That’s where the magic happens. If you haven’t watched it yet, make sure you watch the following clip that showcases exactly how impressive the F-Pedals wireless power technology is.

So cool. I still remember looking at the pedals at NAMM wondering how these tiny pedals managed to produce such amazing tones from their tiny frames. It took me a little bit longer to get my head around the wireless power. Once I did I imagined a future line of additional pedals and the fun I could have swapping them in and out while discovering all-new sounds and tones.

Speaking of which, the sounds and tones the PhazeVibe offers are amazing. Just as the Edstortion pedal offers different modes, so too does the PhazeVibe. Each mode offers a subtle yet noticeable variation on the combined phazer/univibe effect of this pedal unit. When you experiment with the tone, level and speed settings of the pedal, you start to visualise the near-endless possibilities of the PhazeVibe. The official PhazeVibe pedal video showcases this perfectly.

For me, what F-Pedals has done incredibly well is produce two pedals that work beautifully together. If you didn’t watch all of the Harmony Central video above, I suggest you do. The guitar sound at the end of that video when the PhazeVibe and Edstortion pedal are played together is awesome. Distortion and phazer is one of my favourite sounds (Eddie Van Halen anyone?!).

Add in a healthy does of univibe and you’re in party mode. And who doesn’t like a good party?! Keep an ear and eye out for these tiny wireless packages of awesome. You’re going to want one. I know I do.


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