Lightning Guitar Picks—LED impact plectrums

Quite often I’ll be scrolling through my Twitter feed—the same could be said for Instagram or Facebook—and I’ll come across some new piece of guitar gear/technology that makes me say “Oh, that’s new!”

When I do this, it’s out loud and my wife either says “What’s new?” or “If it’s guitar-related, you don’t need it”. When I try to explain what’s new, she rarely cares. When I showed her the video that PLB World had posted of their lightning guitar picks—impact activated LED plectrums—she agreed that this was indeed something she’d not seen before.

Yay! I could continue perusing 🙂

Lightning Guitar Picks—LED impact plectrums

Eight reasons to buy another guitar

Let me start by saying that there shouldn’t be a need for an article like this. There’s really only one reason to buy another guitar. That reason?

You need another guitar.

Fairly simple. Should that not work for the person you perhaps need to convince of the desired purchase, let me help you point out the very important reasons for that necessary purchase you’re planning.

Eight reasons to buy another guitar

Monthly guitar riff video challenge … the December edition

It’s been less than two weeks since I posted the November edition of my monthly guitar riff challenge and yet here we are. The December edition is here well ahead of the end of the month. I may even have a chance to attempt the end goal for this project before the year ends.

Before I get to that, why not a summary of what has been achieved with this monthly guitar riff video challenge?

Monthly guitar riff video challenge … the December edition

Monthly guitar riff video challenge … the November edition

As far as close calls go, this month’s entry in the monthly guitar riff video challenge is as close as I’ve come. As I write this, there are two hours left until the end of November. Tomorrow morning will be December. Still, as soon as I hit Publish on this post, I’m eleven months into a successful blog series. There’s one to go! Maybe I’ll start it tomorrow.

I probably won’t. Monthly guitar riff video challenge … the November edition

Monthly guitar riff video challenge … the October edition

This time last month, I was in Canada (eh). I was literally miles away from my regular world of websites and guitars—although if I stumbled across a guitar store, I did make time to inspect it thoroughly. By this time, I had already posted my September guitar riff challenge and I was enjoying a break from the norm—the norm not including bears and eagles I was seeing in the Rockies. Perhaps it was that break, perhaps it was the change in music I’d been listening to while on holiday, but this month’s monthly guitar riff challenge is actually a bit of a departure from the way I regularly play. And I like it! Monthly guitar riff video challenge … the October edition

Monthly guitar riff video challenge … the September edition

September begins and I already have the riff done for my monthly guitar riff video challenge. I’m way ahead of my previous months. Whatever will I do with the rest of this month?! If I’m lucky, there will be more guitar playing and perhaps video creation. I have plans on how to step up my video game. It involves the help of others. I just haven’t told them yet. This could be fun. Monthly guitar riff video challenge … the September edition

Monthly guitar riff video challenge … the August edition

Even in Australia—where days come earlier than they do for most other countries—it is still August as I add the monthly guitar riff video challenge article to my website. I’m therefore eight months in to a still, somewhat, monthly video challenge that is being met. Just by the skin of my teeth.

I really should brush my teeth more often. Tooth skin is just disgusting.

To the August video content! Monthly guitar riff video challenge … the August edition

Kononykheen Guitars (why I believe I want one)

It’s been a while since I wrote a blog post that wasn’t related to my current monthly guitar riff challenge. There are many reasons for that. One reason … I’m a busy guy. Secondly, I wanted to only write new blog posts when I felt I was covering something that was new and/or perhaps underrated. That is how I started my blog’s current path of guitar content after all—writing about the smaller and more unique things that were happening in the guitar realm. But what of guitar manufacturers today? Is anybody doing anything different there lately? I think so. I think Kononykheen is one such company and I for one am keen—or is that kheen?—to watch them grow.  Kononykheen Guitars (why I believe I want one)