Five signature guitars I wish I owned

I’ve been bitten by the blogging bug lately and this has caused me to investigate all-things guitar once again. I’m very OK with that. Who doesn’t love spending hours surfing the Interwebs looking at guitars? I’m sure that doesn’t appeal to some folks—I like to call those people boring. What is hopefully not boring though is this list of the five signature guitars I wish I owned.

Now to watch the next lotto draw and hope for the best. Or dream. I’m happy to continue dreaming. Five signature guitars I wish I owned

7 string guitars—what would you choose?

I love a good guitar. Truth be told, I love a bad guitar too. I just love guitars. This infatuation often has me looking into guitars I don’t have, yet want. Those lists—have-nots and wants—are massive. There are so many options to consider when looking at different guitars. Wood type, body shape, pickup type/configuration, fretboard material, bridge type and a whole lot more. What I’ve been looking into lately though—purely for my own entertainment—is the number of strings on an electric guitar. That is currently the one thing all of my guitars have in common. They’re all six string guitars (until a string breaks). So I’ve been looking into seven string guitars.

There are so many to choose from and many of them are damn affordable. Care to see which models I like the most? Yes? Well read on. Or just look at the picture at the end of this article. Either way … 7 string guitars—what would you choose?

My Schecter Omen 6 story

I love my Schecter Omen 6. There are many reasons for that. The most important reason is that this is the guitar my wife convinced me to buy (in a way that I’ll explain soon). Up until I purchased this guitar I had always researched my next guitar online in great detail. Not this time though. This time I knew I wanted another guitar, I just didn’t know what it was that I wanted. So I went to a local guitar store with the intention of researching what else was out there. That day I not only decided, I purchased. My Schecter Omen 6 story