Monthly guitar riff video challenge … the August edition

Even in Australia—where days come earlier than they do for most other countries—it is still August as I add the monthly guitar riff video challenge article to my website. I’m therefore eight months in to a still, somewhat, monthly video challenge that is being met. Just by the skin of my teeth.

I really should brush my teeth more often. Tooth skin is just disgusting.

To the August video content! Monthly guitar riff video challenge … the August edition

Monthly guitar riff video challenge … the July edition

Tomorrow is the 31st of July. So I’ve made the July video with plenty of time to spare. That’s the lie I’m telling myself at least. I am very much behind the eight ball here. July absolutely got away from me. But never fear, I am determined to not let the July edition of the monthly guitar riff video challenge define me. No … My inability to defeat the dredded migraine monster is what will define me. But that’s another story for another time. It’s probably a story for another place too. Migraines aren’t very metal at all.

Riffage! Let’s see what July brought! Monthly guitar riff video challenge … the July edition

Monthly guitar riff video challenge … the June edition

It’s still June and I’m releasing the latest video for the Monthly guitar riff video challenge. Look at me sticking to a schedule!

I used the same extended drum track this month as my previous (May) entry for this monthly guitar challenge I’ve set myself this year. In an attempt to keep pushing myself however, I decided to test my skills in regards to the video capturing process. You don’t see them all in this month’s video, but I did capture the exact same recording from eight different angles using eight different video devices. That was honestly a challenge. I wanted to make sure each camera was not in sight from any of the others as I recorded (excluding the camera mounted to the guitar’s headstock). It’s probably the closest I’ve ever come to having an audience as I played guitar to be honest.

Monthly guitar riff video challenge … the June edition

Monthly guitar riff video challenge … the May edition

It’s only been a month and I’ve already uploaded a new monthly riff video. That shouldn’t be as amazing as it seems to be to me. Why? Because the initial challenge I’d set myself at the beginning of this year was to create and share a monthly guitar riff video. It’s not that difficult.

I stumbled at first, but I’m now on track to continue to deliver on a regular, monthly basis. Who knows … I may even end up writing about other things one day. Things beyond this monthly challenge! I’ve done it before. I know it’s possible. Monthly guitar riff video challenge … the May edition

The monthly guitar video challenge (with two entries once again)

The monthly guitar challenge … surely by May I’ll work out how to make these videos on a monthly basis. Still, with today’s video I’ve kept some form of consistency—back-to-back videos that feature the combined riffs from two individual month’s guitar riffs. I’ve also managed to create content in two consecutive months. That’s almost a win. Still, next month will hopefully be only partially consistent—monthly video and blog post, but one riff. Hopefully it will still be interesting enough to warrant the blog post it is posted in. The monthly guitar video challenge (with two entries once again)

A monthly video challenge (with a late start)

Earlier this year I thought I’d set myself a monthly video challenge. It was an idea I had with the best of intentions. It’s also an idea I wish I’d had actual time to dedicate to earlier this year. Still, I think I’ve managed to find the time and the motivation to get cracking now. I’m filled with so much faith now that I’ve decided to play catch-up by releasing my first video that includes what could technically be classified as the first two months of challenge results in the one recording. Could be. But really it’s just a poor attempt at playing catch-up.

Anyhow, read on for the concept and the first result. Hopefully I can keep this one going. I’m more inspired to play guitar than I have been in ages. A monthly video challenge (with a late start)

Megatober … The plan for 31 riffs

One of the reasons I started writing a lot less on this site in recent months, was so I could dedicate more time to the act of guitar playing. Less time writing. More time learning.

To be honest, it’s not gone exactly to plan. I have played more guitar than I had played in previous months, but it hasn’t been enough. I’ve spoken to some friends on Twitter about collaborating and I am yet to get around to that. Thinking about that further, there are more than a few people I would love to do online collaborations with. But my skills have slipped. I need to improve that before it’s too late. I realise this. And I have a plan.

That plan is called Megatober. Megatober … The plan for 31 riffs