Streamed music—how valet parking made me see its true value

I recently had a need to park my car at the local airport. It happens a few times each year for work and for pleasure. Most of the time I use the airport’s valet parking service. It’s easier than remembering where I left my car. Yes, I’m that lazy. But after the parking situation I experienced last week, I won’t be back. Ever.

What’s that got to do with streamed music and its superiority over physical media like CDs? Good question. Here’s my better answer.

Streamed music—how valet parking made me see its true value

Songs that say “Go!” (at least seven of them if we’re counting)

Well look at that. March is getting closer to ending and I’ve not written anything on this site since the year started. Slack! Lazy! Unmotivated! Well all that changes now because I’ve found a theme in certain rock songs that motivates me. These are the songs where the vocalist chooses the most opportune time to yell something motivational. These are songs that say Go!

It’s not always delivered at the same moment in a song, but the result for me is always the same. It’s the sign to get the fist-pump of awesomeness ready. The scream of approval for the epicness that is about to come. The customary heavy banging of the head. The attempt to thrust your foot through the floor. All of these uncontrollable moments. The band knows it, you know it. The vocalist authenticates it.

These are some of my favourite “Go!” moments. These will surely get me pumped enough to finally get back into the swing of things.

Things being guitar playing, blogging and music-creating on a regular basis. Songs that say “Go!” (at least seven of them if we’re counting)