Steve Case (Somewhere Where I’m Not) CD artwork

My first attempt at CD artwork—for anybody let alone Steve Case—was this jewel case design for the Somewhere Where I’m Not CD. The project included a 16pp booklet, CD design and jewel case design. The brief was to create something that appeared real and natural—the kind of thing people were generally creating and sharing on social media through the likes of Instagram. All supplied imagery was manipulated and became part of the design you see here.

Steve Case (Somewhere Where I’m Not) CD artwork

Buddemeyer Hangnail Pro Guitars website launches

Ah … that time I developed a website for free and lost $600+ to a low moral individual. More on that story here. The design work I did I’m still proud of, so I keep it here as a reminder of what kind of morals I choose to have.

Today the Buddemeyer Hangnail Pro Guitars website launched using it’s new URL and website design. The website has been developed using the ResponsiveEve HTML template as its framework. A few other responsive enhancements were made to the website (such as embedding the YouTube videos in a way that ensures they resize with the framework) in an effort to make the website accessible to all users on almost all devices. Buddemeyer Hangnail Pro Guitars website launches

Guitar themed dock for RocketDock

Both of my PCs run with docks (like you’d see on most Macs). One PC is running the Ubuntu operating system (OS) while the other runs the Windows OS. The Windows machine is using the customisable RocketDock to create its dock. Customisable is good. This allows me to create my own dock themes from time to time. You can see my attempts at RocketDock theming on my deviantART page.

So why would I mention this on my Scarebear website? The answer … I have created a guitar based dock theme for RocketDock. Guitar themed dock for RocketDock