Bee in Tasmania

This bee was photographed in City Park, Launceston, Tasmania, Australia. The bee was quite large and looked beautiful on the orange flowers.

I do not recall the camera or exact date of the photograph unfortunately. It was sometime before March 2012 when I uploaded the photograph to Flickr—most likely during a work trip in late 2011.

GuitarTone for iPhone

GuitarTone is another recent discovery I made when searching for ways to play my guitar on the iPhone. Luckily I follow Sonoma Wire Works on Twitter and was there to see them announce the application’s release. Since then, I’ve had fun creating my own presets for hours on end. Why? Because I believe it’s one of the easiest apps to use for playing guitar on the iPhone.

Let’s get straight into this and the black and white imagery that accompanies all of my reviews. GuitarTone for iPhone

iShred LIVE for iPhone

The iShred LIVE app is one of the first amplifier/FX simulators I became aware of when I first discovered it was possible to play guitar through the iPhone. It was also through this app that I discovered the GuitarConnect Cable (the first guitar/iPhone interface I purchased). I mention that because of the interfaces I currently own, only GuitarConnect Cable and AmpKit LINK work with iShred LIVE. GuitarJack does not.

One of the things I still like about this app, is that it’s free. You need to purchase the effects that you require from inside the app, but it comes with enough for free to keep anybody playing for hours. Like I’ve done for a day.

So let’s get straight into it with my usual black and white imagery. Full colour graphics available at the developer’s website. iShred LIVE for iPhone

RiotFX 1.3 for iPhone

Before I move on to the next app in my series of articles on the best amplifier/FX simulators out there for us iPhone users, I need to revisit my article on RiotFX. Did I mess something up? Did I leave something out? Was I paid for a better review? No. None of those things happened. What did happen though was RiotMode released a new version of the app days after my initial review that saw so many changes I needed to write a fresh review.

Good thing I like writing! RiotFX 1.3 for iPhone

JamUp Pro for iPhone

JamUp Pro is one of the more recent discoveries I’ve made in my quest for iPhone amplifier simulator perfection. I started with their free version (JamUp Lite), loved it and quickly made the jump to the Pro version. There are a few reasons for the quick leap towards the paid version. One, sound quality. Two, the recording interface. Three, the way you can order the amps and effects. Four, the graphical design. For a graphic designer, this is pretty important.

Also, I love that JamUp Pro enabled me to write another Blog entry that has a list! JamUp Pro for iPhone

PocketAmp Lite for the iPhone

PocketAmp Lite is another of the amplifier simulators for the iPhone that doesn’t give you the option to save your recordings. I wanted to mention that up front for three reasons. One, It’s probably the element of the app that brings me the greatest sadness. Two, this app has some seriously wicked sounds that warrant sharing. Three, I really like lists.

Point two from the list is perhaps the most important one. Although PocketAmp Lite doesn’t give you effect pedals to play with or some other bells and whistles that some other simulator apps provide, the sounds that are generated through the amp settings are seriously good. Seriously good. I should point out at this stage that PocketAmp lite is free. No gimmicks free. PocketAmp Lite for the iPhone

RiotFX for the iPhone

Welcome to the first of my iPhone Amplifier Simulator/FX review articles. Knowing I needed to start somewhere, I looked for a structured way to start the process. What better way to start, than by starting in reverse order! Reverse order from my alphabetical More Impressive List that I shared yesterday that is. It made sense to me for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it’s not the normal thing to do and secondly, it allows me to quickly review an app that I only recently purchased. I was keen to try something new. Luckily for me, when I started to play around in RiotFX, my keen level remained fairly high.

That’s always a good thing. RiotFX for the iPhone

Amplifier emulators on the iPhone

I’ve written about AmpKit and GuitarTone recently on this Blog and I’ve even shared a couple of recordings made with those pieces of software. I’ve had a few other amplifier simulators on my iPhone for quite some time now, but I have wondered recently—I’m lucky enough to have a decent block of time to dedicate to myself and my guitar fascination right now—how many other options are there for an addict like me? What am I missing? What don’t I know?

Nobody provided me with the answers so I went looking. Here’s what I discovered. Amplifier emulators on the iPhone

AmpKit and GuitarJack—Better Than Me

Sometimes a Blog title just works for more than one simple reason. Luckily for me, this is one of those instances. One reason, is that the technology that I am lucky enough to have at my disposal—AmpKit for recording and GuitarJack for connecting—is better than me. The technology is almost flawless. My guitar playing skills are not. Another reason the title of this article works is that I’m writing about how AmpKit and GuitarJack allowed me to record a song I wrote titled Better Than Me.

The rest of the article goes downhill from here. Sorry about that. AmpKit and GuitarJack—Better Than Me