52 pedals, week 13—Eventide Space

Back when I first heard the word reverb, I assumed it was in reference to a guitarist’s continual use of the same verb when practicing guitar. “Strum, strum, strum! Pick, pick, pick! Bend, bend, bend!”

Imagine my surprise when I discovered the true meaning of the word reverb—it refers to the reverberation of sound by the way. Fast forward several years to the time I discovered the Eventide Space pedal. Then conceptualise* my excitement towards the enhanced reverb options this pedal provides.

* I didn’t want to use the word imagine a second time. That would be re-verbing. 52 pedals, week 13—Eventide Space

52 pedals, week 12—Pigtronix Gatekeeper

I’ve been writing a lot lately about fuzz, distortion and overdrive pedals. That’s a lot of noise. As much as I love noise, you sometimes need the quiet. Especially when coupled with the noise. That’s a major component of good heavy metal music in my opinion. Brutal metal … Deafening silence … Brutal metal.

Often to get that absolute silence you need a good noise gate pedal. That’s actually a pedal I’m yet to purchase. I should resolve that. Maybe I’ll resolve that with the Pigtronix Gatekeeper. It sounds awesome.

And by sounds awesome, I mean it makes no sounds. Awesome. 52 pedals, week 12—Pigtronix Gatekeeper

52 pedals, week 11—BIG EAR n.y.c. CHAKA

This week I thought I’d revisit my 2015 Winter NAMM experiences. Mostly because I don’t see myself actually revisiting the NAMM event anytime soon. Granted nobody else has heard this story before, so the revisiting is only for me. For all other readers, this is a fresh and exciting new story. I’ve probably oversold that.

Hopefully the BIG EAR n.y.c. CHAKA octave fuzz isn’t oversold though. People need to be able to buy this pedal. It’s awesome. 52 pedals, week 11—BIG EAR n.y.c. CHAKA

52 pedals, week 10—ThroBak Stone Bender

I’ve been trying really hard to get these articles out on a Wednesday, but I keep failing. This week I wanted to apply an element of emergency to the article’s importance when it was placed in my real world priority list. Unfortunately Wednesday passed and the article didn’t happen. I’ve failed once again. Why is this weekly article process so difficult? I’ve had kidney stones that have passed with greater ease than these blog posts.

Actually, that’s an exaggeration. I’ll tell you one thing though, I wouldn’t pass an offer to play through the ThroBak Stone Bender. That would be cooler than writing about it. Still, I’ll do that now. 52 pedals, week 10—ThroBak Stone Bender

52 pedals, week 9—JHS Pedals Mini Bomb Boost

Have you ever had one of those weeks when nothing seems to go right? I know I have. And as I select the pedals I’m drawn to, I’d like to think the pedals I’m interested in share some of my own traits. Why would they also not feel the need to get a bit of help from time to time? Everyone needs a boost right? Yes. Yes they do. That’s why I’ve selected the JHS Pedals Mini Bomb Boost this week. It’s the little helper pedal we all need.

Thank you considerate pedal. 52 pedals, week 9—JHS Pedals Mini Bomb Boost

52 pedals, week 8—Fulltone OCD

Recently I broke what was most likely a pretty solid run of weekly articles for this website. It’s not that I’m lazy, but there’s this thing called the real world and it often pokes it’s nasty head out and screams “The grass isn’t going to mow itself” or “Get a haircut!” I usually tell that real world to pull its head in and mind its own business. That mentality allows me to write at the same time each and every week. That suits me because I am rather habitual. So much so that some people consider my infatuation with consistency to be a problem. Well if being OCD is a problem, I don’t care.

Also, if someone wants to send me an OCD pedal by Fulltone I’m perfectly OK with that. Wednesday (Australian time) articles are back people. Sorry for the inconsistency. 52 pedals, week 8—Fulltone OCD

52 pedals, week 7—MXR Phase 90

As I mentioned in my previous article, time has slipped away from me lately. Not posting my weekly articles on time bothered me greatly. I’d let myself down. My family however did not share my pain. Actually, they didn’t appear phased at all. That’s when it came to me. They should be phased. This is a big thing. And when it comes to big things in the phase pedal market, few come close to the MXR Phase 90. It’s been the pedal others aspire towards since 1972.

Time to get phased. 52 pedals, week 7—MXR Phase 90

52 pedals, week 6—DigiTech Bad Monkey

For over two years I’ve been writing weekly posts about random pieces of guitar gear I wish I owned. Now that I think about it, why does anybody come back to read this stuff? I’ll never know. Having said that, last week I dropped the ball. I let my real-world life get in the way of a good article. When I say good, I don’t mean it. Clearly I was naughty. Bad Monkey!

And with that piece of honesty I’ve linked to this week’s pedal. Last week’s pedal really. Let’s kick it into overdrive.

See what I did there? 52 pedals, week 6—DigiTech Bad Monkey

52 pedals, week 5—El Rey Effects The Mystic

I enjoyed writing last week’s article in the 52 pedals series so much that I decided to stick with the same theme I’d chosen for that week—pedals I’ve actually played through. The Mystic by El Rey Effects is one of those pedals. And just like last week’s entry, this is a pedal I came across at the 2015 NAMM Show.

As I have played this pedal I will let you know that the settings in the photograph I’ve included with this article are all set to the pedal’s sweet spot. To my liking at least. This pedal has it going on. 52 pedals, week 5—El Rey Effects The Mystic

52 pedals, week 4—Main.Ace.FX One Shot

This week I get to do something that I imagine I’ll do rarely during this series of 52 Pedals. I’ll get to write about a pedal I have actually played through. A pedal I have tried and obviously liked. If I didn’t like it, why would I write about it? I wouldn’t obviously. So hopefully that gives the One Shot by Main.Ace.FX a little bit more street cred. Because it is tried and tested—by me.

Conveniently, it’s also now available for purchase. Timing is everything. 52 pedals, week 4—Main.Ace.FX One Shot